rencontre d un soir sur bois colombes The vast history and heritage of Schweppes goes back to over 235 years. Nowadays, its trademark ownership and commercialization belongs to different companies around the world. Schweppes International Limited, a company of Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd, is proprietor of the Schweppes® trademark and its associated business in the following countries: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy , Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal , San Marino, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland



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Martini Fiero e Tonic

Glas mit Eiswürfeln befüllen, 50% Martini Fiero
und 50% Schweppes Indian Tonic Water hinzugeben,
mit Blutorangenscheibe garnieren.


  • - 200 ml Martini Fiero
  • - 200 ml Schweppes Indian Tonic Water
  • - 1 Blutorangenscheibe
  • - Eiswürfel